Chewing Gum Tests Positive

by Admin

Posted on 11-11-2022 02:18 PM

By emma young chewing gum can improve memory, say uk psychologists. They found that people who chewed throughout tests of both long-term and short-term memory produced significantly better scores than people who did not. But gum-chewing did not boost memory-linked reaction times, used as a measure of attention. “these results provide the first evidence that chewing gum can improve long-term and working memory,” says andrew scholey of the university of northumbria in newcastle, uk. loss “there are a number of potential explanations – but they are all very speculative. ”one third of the 75 adults tested chewed gum during the 20-minute battery of memory and attention tests.

Gum Chewing is Good for the Brain

We start with good news. The well-known teacher said that research supports the claim, and then cited research. diet I’m amazed how often that second step doesn’t happen. Folks regularly claim that “research shows” that a teaching technique provides specific benefits, but won’t identify any specific research. “oh, you know, all the research shows that…” (pro tip: in psychology, it is never true that “all the research” shows  anything. If someone says that to you, you can politely and confidently decline their advice. )this teacher, however, gives us the crucial details. We can look for ourselves. When we do, we get a bit more good news.

Chewing gum could help students to do better in exams, according to a new study presented yesterday. Researchers have found that the act of chewing improves short- and long-term memory by up to 35 per cent. Lucy wilkinson and dr andrew scholey, who carried out the study at the university of northumbria, believe that the gentle exercise of chewing may be enough to raise a person's heart rate and increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Chewing may also trigger the release of insulin in the body, which could increase the uptake of blood sugar by the brain.